Our Mission.

Solo Headquarters’ highest mission is to shed light on the importance of mental health as this has become a more prominent movement in our world. We are here to support our Chicago community and its many local organizations that provide aid and guidance.

Solo Headquarters was started by an idea that Kristine Singer had during a road trip with her family. Kristine is by trade a hairstylist and salon owner, but by soul, she is a visionary leader. She’s found purpose in lifting people up and providing opportunities in the hairstyling industry, but she’s now curated a team that is ready to take that one step further.

We are ready to advance our reach into our community. Whether it’s re-housing for the homeless, recovery programs, LGBTQ+ Centers, suicide prevention, and everything else in between, Solo Headquarters wants to bring awareness and fundraising to make an impact and positive change to our city.

For every service provided, we donate to make change in the world.

Solo Headquarters is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization working in tandem with Solo Salon to expand our reach outwards and provide ongoing support for a stronger community.

Through daily donations from Solo Salon’s services and regular fundraisers, we hope to help organizations strengthen their impact and bring a spotlight to the many mental health crises that need more support.


Want to support? Make a donation.

From quarters, to dollars, let’s make change.
